Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Dragonboat Racing

About a month ago I took part in a Rotary fundraiser. The fundraiser was dragon boat racing. This is my second time dragonboat racing for Rotary. It's a lot of fun, but I never seem to make it on to the winning team! During my Rotary scholar orientation, my dragon boat team lost. And....the same goes for this most recent race!

Here's the funny part, of about 25 teams, we came in 2nd to last. the only boat that we beat got stuck in a sand dune! Maybe dragonboat racing just isn't our thing! Or...maybe we could use some more practice before races.
Anyway, the picture above is of me and Sifa. Sifa is a part of the Stellenbosch University Rotaract (rotary club for young adults), and I am part of one of the Cape Town Rotaracts. The other picture is of our team racing on the water.
Anyway, the way the fundraiser works is companies and organizations host a team by paying for each member of the team to be in a racing boat. The money paid for each team member goes towards charity. So it's a pretty good deal....we get to race, have fun, and even if we lose, it's not really a loss, because by simply competing in the race, we're supporting a charity.

PS. The pic below is of the whole team before a race (except for me.... the photographer). Unfortunately I had a little technical difficulty when uploading the pic!

1 comment:

  1. Danielle, want some help rotating that and getting a bigger one up?
